The Importance of Regular Teeth Cleanings

Simple changes in your dental routine can have a long-lasting impact on the health of your mouth, teeth, and gums. Even if you haven't done it in some time in conjunction with regular teeth cleanings, brushing regularly can turn the tide of harmful bacteria in your mouth into a healthy ecosystem of oral joy. Dr. Dustin Snyder and Dr. Brooke Snyder, a brother and sister dental team at Brookpark Dental Arts in Lewisburg, PA, understand the importance of regularly cleaning your teeth.

How Teeth Cleanings Help Your Oral Health

Your dentist in Lewisburg, PA, understands the impact that regular teeth cleanings have on your mouth. While more than one thing happens during teeth cleaning, the main feature of professional cleaning is removing tartar from below the gumline. Tartar is bits of dried plaque, saliva, and food that form below the gum line and then hardens. Removing it through regular brushing and flossing is not possible.

Removing the tartar from your teeth at least twice a year keeps it from infecting your gumline. Infected gums start receding when left untreated. When left untreated for years, pockets between the gum and teeth can develop, allowing other bacteria to grow and to seep more easily into other parts of the body through the bloodstream. An experienced dentist in Lewisburg, PA, will be able to help you prevent further oral issues through the use of professional teeth cleaning.

What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning

When you arrive at the office of Brookpark Dental Arts in Lewisburg, PA, you're seated comfortably. If you have chosen nitrous oxide for your visit, this will be hooked up for you. The dental technician will then take X-rays of your mouth with the latest technology. Then a dental hygienist will get to remove the tartar from below the gumline of each tooth. Once complete, your teeth are polished and flossed. It doesn't take very long, but the benefits of having it done outweigh putting it off. 

If you're looking for a qualified, caring, and happy dentist in Lewisburg, PA, look no further than the brother-sister dental team of Dr. Snyder and Dr. Snyder of Brookpark Dental Arts in Lewisburg, PA. Call the office at 570-522-1234 today for an appointment!

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